About Course
Learn complete sms spamming
What Will You Learn?
- In this course you will learn all about sms spamming and how to safe your self from such types of attacks.
Course Content
This course is totally just for educational purpose. We are not here to teach you stealing methods, if you are using our materials for any illegal purpose then you will be responsible for that.
We are just spreading awareness between you people.
Thank you.
Disclaimer video
Introduction and configuration
In this chapter you will learn all about sms spamming and its requirements. You will also learn about the configuration
What is sms spamming and requirements for sms spamming
09:13 -
setup lab environment
07:14 -
Install windows OS in a Lab environment
04:24 -
Create cloud VPS
13:10 -
Update VPS and run services
11:22 -
Transfer files from local system to VPS
09:25 -
Get File transfer root permissions (Part 02)
03:55 -
Point Domain with cloud
11:16 -
SSL/TLS Setup and Nameserver configuration
Setup pages
In this chapter you will learn how to setup pages properly.
setup scampage on private hosting
08:57 -
Setup Wells Fargo scampage and get result
09:01 -
Setup NavyFederal scampage and get result
04:26 -
Setup Netflix scampage and get result
Setup 53rd Bank scampage and get result
Encrypt scampage and avoid red page issue warning
Web DB Exploitation
In this section you will learn all about Website databases hacking with auto SQLi scanner tools
Gather Keywords (part 01)
04:15 -
Gather Keywords (part 02)
02:25 -
Gather free proxies/Socks (HTTP,Socks4,Socks5)
02:32 -
Generate public dorks
03:05 -
Generate private dorks
04:07 -
Analyze generated Dorks
04:35 -
Extract websites urls with SQLi
02:53 -
Find exploitable website urls
02:52 -
Hack websites of vulnerable websites DB
03:17 -
Download the tools
Generate Phone Numbers
In this chapter you will learn how you gather and generate phone numbers.
Generate phone numbers privately
05:22 -
Generate phone numbers randomly
05:39 -
Generate phone numbers of any country
12:18 -
Generate US banks phone numbers
Validate phone numbers
In this chapter you will learn how to validate phone numbers.
Validate generated phone numbers with apiless checker
07:27 -
Validate phone numbers with HLR based Validation
Send sms to phone numbers inbox
In this chapter you will learn how to send sms to phone numbers inbox.
Get cloud api for sms sender
15:45 -
Sms sender to send out sms
Setup smtp server for sms sender
Find domain gateway for sms Phone numbers
Send unlimited sms to US phone numbers
Send out sms to any Asia phone numbers
Final process
Short url of scampage
Final A to Z sms spamming process
Create free rdp
Crack rdp
Intro to botnet
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